Sunday, July 13, 2008

Last week in CCH

By the way, i have finally rebonded my hair~!! To a lot of people like Caleb, Danny, probably they would leap with joy having see the lion hair become noodle like.. erms.. wads an apt description =) Happy.. No more tangles, no more lion hair, no more blowing of hair in the morning! Hallelujah.. Looks neater. heehee* Guess what its 75% sponsored, PTL!

I am so thankful that Pastor is willing to teach me so many things. I love Pastor Eileen. Thank you Pastor for always believing in me and sharing with us your thoughts, insights, and burdens. Thanks for being my friend. To be able to serve God together with you in my life is more than words of gratitude.

I also want to thank Wendy for being there for me in these 3 years. She is a woman of faith and love. Thank You Wendy. Heehee. Wendy, thanks for constantly praying for me. Sorry that I didn't stay in CCH. But its such an honor to be able to working with you.. Heehee.

Thank you Danny. Thanks for always praying for me brother. Without you I will not be where God wants me to me. You know what I mean.. Heehee Thank you for discipling me, for running together with me literally...making me run (sobs) for being my confidante who listens my endless ramblings when nobody can stand.. hahahha =)

Thank you Caleb. Hahah You are another fantastic brother. You provide for me, I guess you are just as good as a shepherd to me. Thank you for always encouraging me. Through the tough times, you were by my side especially when the persecution were strong and when I went through the valley of shadow and death. Thanks for always sharing revelation with me. Thank you for raising me up =) Love you loads!!

Thank you Xin Wei, Ai Wei, Hui Ling, Shu Fen, James, Wei Wen, David. Thanks for teaching me so many things. I love Children Church and you are part of the reason

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice blog.