Monday, December 31, 2007

CHRISTMAS presents~!!

Shirt from Gan Ma ( AUntY Lai Lin) This is quite an amzing gift. Who is Aunty Lai Lin? She is my mum's friend. SHe was the one who helped to make up for me when I went for So YOu Think You Can SIng. And I dunno how she recently decided to be my gan ma. I met her at the train station while she was on her way to do some shopping. She came knocking at my door at 1130pm, all excited, with her 2 sons, and handled this gift to me. Is this cool or is this cool?
From Daddy =) So nice.CK1
From Caleb
Something that I wanted--> Little Miss SUnshine Shirt.. (I didnt tell Anyone) But Danny got it for me.. SMiles. Thats so flow~!! Thank You Lao Da. Thanks for always loving me, and always blessing me. Its a blessing to have you with me. I appreciate you.

From Gan Ma (Joanna's Mum)From weijian. Nice shoes~!! Sorry bro, I didnt get you anything, because recently finances are a little tight. Please know that I really appreciate you alot alot. smiles From Mummy. Thats for my labtop. Its not cheap. She is so nice

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