Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The power of confession, thoughts and vision

An amzing research by Dr Masaru Emoto showed that our thoughts, visions, emotions and our speech can transcend certain energy to the water molecules such that crystals began to form even in distilled water.

A revelational word shared during service that blew all our minds away. That makes me wonder, what have I been thinking all these while. If the thoughts that were running around were without vision, negative then my world will really be aimless and pessismistic.
I shall put an end of the junk thoughts, negative and emotional thoughts, off you go! And SHUTUP stop appearing in my mind. It shall be replaced with the Word of God.
I was looking at Psalm 23 today.
Surely goodness & mercy shall follow me ALL the days of my life.

Talking about the power of confession.. Years ago, I remembered a prayer that I have made. I told God that I want to someone who can usher in the presence of God. I really wanted to minister to His people. Back then, I wasn't a guitarist, not even close to that since I can't play the guitar that well.. The normal G, Em, C, D would be something I always play, even right now. I think about what I told God that day. I want to be a guitarist. I told zhen I will be the best guitarist.. (LOL) Oh well, given 2 powerful guitarists in my CG-Yuli & Stan, my dream will still be a dream, looks like its impossible. So 2 weeks ago, I received a call from Jing. She needed a guitarist. Well, she could have just called Yuli or Stan, they are much better than me in terms of everything. I didn't have faith initially. But yet I thank God I took the step of faith. It was a good CG. Thank God for an opportunity like this. Just as I thought everything would end here, the next week Jessica called. She needed a guitarist on Sat after svc. I was pleasantly surprised yet not afraid althought there are going to be around 40 people attending the CG. So I took a step of faith to play the guitar. I felt the presence of God. I played a little bit better than Jing's CG. I was concentrating on all the barred chords. Jess asked me how was it, because she sensed the presence of God was very strong. If not for His grace... Thank you Lord.

Thank you Fen, Rick, Lilian, Zhen for your constant intercession in the area of Job Search! I really appreciate you guys alot alot. Fen, I love you, thanks for ur constant prayer and forwarding of resume. Man, what a friend I've found. ahhah Rick, thank you for your prayer when you are in US. Prayers from US, super touched. *awww* Lilian, not forgetting u, my faithful friend. hahah Of course Zhenn, you are the best. Holy Spirit is my advocate, I am not afraid.

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